Greetings from Taronna everyone! How about them Oilers eh?! Here's the latest
from bambino-ville! I look pretty good for coming off a 5 day bender on the pacific, eh?
Anyway, Daniela and I are happy to let you know the due date has changed from the 26th
of June to the 19th!! Now, don'
t everybody make plans to come over from Alberta all at the same time! We'll have to work out an itinerary for the months to follow! However, there
is room to stay if anyone would in fact(no kidding around) like to make a trip. Don't ask uncle
Trev about the accomodations, they have changed dramatically since he came by last spring!
Hope to here from everyone sooner than later! We miss you all-ways and look forward to chalk-
ing up another new member on the Loberg/Iantria family trees! Doesn't Daniela look great!!!!!