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JULY 1, 20062:40am - Canada Day!8lbs 12oz.

Hi everyone,On July 1, 2006 - CANADA DAY @ 2:40am Luke Roger Loberg was born. 8lbs 12oz.
He was 2 weeks late. My expected date of delivery was June 19th; however, that day came and went. On June 27th I went in for a scheduled ultra sound appointment at St. Joe's for a stress test. They sent me home and said that everything was fine and that the baby wasn't ready to come out yet. I met with midwife Anne who scheduled another ultra sound appointment for me on June 30th for another stress test. Well at that appointment St. Joe's sent me home again and said that I needed to keep waiting. You could imagine my anxiety at this time. As soon as I got home from the hospital I got a call from Anne who told me that my amniotic fluid was a little low and she wanted to run another stress test on me. She told me to bring all of my bags just in case they decided to induce me. After an hour of checking the baby's heartbeat on the monitor Dr. Singh (he was awsome), suggested they break my water to get some contractions going. I discussed this with Anne and she agreed this would be the best choice instead of waiting until Monday for my scheduled induction. I couldn't believe that this was it!!! I called Jeff at work and he was sooo excited.Dr. Singh broke my water at 2pm. I walked around St. Joe's until 4pm...No Contractions came. At that point they need to hook me up to all of the monitors to get contractions going. I needed to be put on an IV, the drip...Oxytocin (is this the correct spelling....?), and a monitor for the baby's heartbeat. It was then suggested to me to get an epidural because basically I would be restricted to the hospital bed. I decided to wait it out to see how I would feel. Well by 11:00 pm I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. My contractions were 70 sec long and 30 seconds apart. I was 6 cm dialatd. Anne and I discussed getting the drug again because I was in pain and I was unable to sit on the ball, walk around, or even stand-up out of the bed. I had to lye flat on my back or side which was pretty difficult and painful. I couldn't practice all of the exercises we learned in prenatel class. It was pretty disheartening :( I ended up getting the epidural at 11:30pm in which I immidiatly felt better. I started pushing at 12:30am with Anne delivering the baby. By 1:30am Dr. Singh came into the delivery room and said that he needed to take over to get the baby out. He had forceps near by. Oh my that point I was determined to push this baby out. I asked for a mirror...which I highly recommed to everyone...and pushed the baby out at forceps needed. It was so amazing. Anne was by my side the whole time. She was incredible. And Jeff was unbelieveable through the whole thing. I couldn't have done it without him by my side. Jennifer the breathing really helped. Near the end "DOWN" and "OUT" were heard throughout the St. Joe's hallway. And breatfeeding is going great. Thanks for all the knowledge :)
Luke Roger Loberg is one week old today. He is now 9lbs 1 oz...already!! Jeff and I are so over joyed:)Good Luck to everyone in prenatel class. Daniela, Jeff & Luke Loberg.